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Ready to Grow?

Here at HUG, we believe in partnering with families to support the development of your child. Below are some links to resources to ensure a smooth and easy transition into HUG!


Learn more about Brightwheel, the app we use to communicate, update, and handle logistics all in real time.

Wondering how Brightwheel works? Check out this video for a quick overview!

An explanation of the Brightwheel process and assigning important contacts.

Potty Training

Potty training broken up into 6 training blocks. Can be done in

3-7 days!

Tips from Zero to Three to support potty training for young children.

Various articles on potty training from

Nap/Rest Time

Navigating naps? Check out this article by John Hopkins All Children's Hospital.

This is the background noise we use during our nap/rest time. Having your child familiar with the sound can help them feel more settled when napping at HUG.

We provide a cot sheet for your child and families provide their pillow and blanket. One way to build a positive association with naps at HUG is to have your child take a nap in their beddings for school. If you are looking for an all-in-one nap mat recommendation, Wildkin is a popular option!

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